We assist you in choosing the form of entity that you want for your business. The differences between a sole proprietorship, a joint venture, a partnership, a limited liability company, a Sub-Chapter S Corporation, or a corporation can have far reaching affects upon your business. We will explain the tax implication of each entity type, but we recommend legal counsel for advice concerning personal liability protection.
Troubled Business Consulting
Every business must develop a strategy for stemming loses and remaining profitable during downturns in the economy. We are available to help with finding new sources of capital, cash flow analysis, budgeting, and reducing expenses.
Cashflow & Budget Analysis
Businesses can be very profitable, but run into cash flow issues. We are able to forecast your company’s position, track cash flow sources and provide the most effective methods to free cash from your operations.
Financial Forecasts & Projection
Forecasting is a necessary step when trying to keep your business profitable. Helping you achieve your financial goals is our goal.
Consulting Services
We help our clients “grow their business.” One of the most satisfying things that a CPA can do is help a company grow by teaching its owners how to read their financial statements. Using Key Performance Indicators (KPI) we can help you identify areas that affect your profitability and growth. We can work with companies that have only one owner (sole proprietor) up to companies that have a Board of Directors or Internal Audit Committees.